Thursday, August 27, 2015

PS4 Yoga

There is no PS4 Yoga games available, there is a real demand for this in the market place. There were rumors that "Yoga Flame" was coming in  2016, but has not eventuated, so here is hoping that a PS4 Yoga game will be available in 2016. But Yoga and Playstation do not go hand in hand.

When Yoga Flame comes out it will probably be a more extreme Yoga, more of a warm up training for this fitness/ fighting street fighting game.

So presently the only PlayStation Yoga game available is Yourself Fitness , which has a 9.2 rating from 43 reviews. Its a fun game if you have discipline to keep your schedule with Maya and if you honest about your progress.

  Depending on your goals and tolerances.

 Maya can certainly challenge everyone short of the semiprofessional athlete with an hour of cardio, but the game very flexible to account the variety of users. You can have workouts as short as fifteen minutes to as long as an hour and it can factor in the use of heart monitor, stability ball, step bench, or weight to add variety and difficulty to your routines.

But if you would have a spare 15 minutes a day, here are 30 Yoga Classes for you to enjoy, try them and see how much better you feel.
Yoga for Life style=